Topband: Best wire antenna for roof top location

Jim Brown jim at
Wed Aug 12 11:16:51 EDT 2015

Guy and jim,

No, I'm not missing anything -- did you miss my words "first 
approximation" in my description of the model?  That model was a 
feasibility study, not intended or accepted (by me, at least) as a 
predictor of actual performance of an antenna on a building that we 
known nothing more than a few dimensions. You are missing my point, 
which is that, depending on the nature of the building roof and 
structure, a horizontal antenna MIGHT be a very good one, and is worth 

73, Jim K9YC

On Tue,8/11/2015 12:08 PM, Guy Olinger K2AV wrote:
> No. You'd be missing the essential point which has to do with the 
> "shape" of the tool and whether it was remotely suited to the problem. 

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