Topband: KD9SV-OK1RR relays ???

John K9UWA john at
Mon Aug 31 00:38:48 EDT 2015

Since I am the original reason that Gary KD9SV built the first "Front End 
Saver" device after we determined why I blew the front end many many 
years ago of my IC-765 radio. I thought I might add one more very important 
thing to what ever version of a Front End saver you guys decide to buy or 

In all of Gary KD9SV's many boxes he builds Your Amplifier is prevented 
from operating if the box fails for any reason. If a relay fails or there is no 
power to the box regardless of what happens then No Amplifier. Meaning 
regardless of the failure the max your going to have out there from transmit 
antenna to receive antenna is whatever your 100 watt radio will do. Most 
likely not enough to smoke the Pre-Amp and or the Radio. So please be 
sure to add that item to your version of the FES.

John k9uwa

John Goller, K9UWA & Jean Goller, N9PXF 
Antique Radio Restorations
k9uwa at
Visit our Web Site at:
4836 Ranch Road
Leo, IN 46765

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