Topband: 2 wl loop, worth the effort?

NC3Z Gary nc3z at
Wed Dec 2 19:43:05 EST 2015

Thanks for all the replies, guess the consensus is it is not worth the 
effort to put up a 2wl loop over a 1wl.

I know several mentioned verticals but I really was interested in the 
loop option. This is for QSO's with stations 500-600 miles from me, 
currently they report that my signal is strong and very consistent with 
the 25' high dipole believe it or not.

But the dipole is fed with coax and has a limited bandwidth. I am 
switching to ladder line and was thinking the loop may be the next 

I also could move the dipole back to get it up to about 50' and feed it 
with ladder line as an option.

My height is limited to what I have for trees. No tower planned for the 
new QTH since we are in hurricane/coastal storm country.

As far as a receive only antenna that is in the plans soon.

Gary Mitchelson
NC3Z/4 Pamlico County, NC FM15

On 01-Dec-15 22:00, NC3Z Gary wrote:
> I have been contemplating a sky loop to replace my coax 160/80M fan
> dipole. The loop would be fed with ladder line so I could use it on 160-40M.
> It would take a bit more effort clearing an area to get up 2wl of wire
> but it could be done. Is the effort worth it over a 1wl loop? An
> additional issue is I can only get it up about 50'.
> Right now the dipole is at 25' and works very well with the hams I daily
> keep in touch with in the 500-600 mile range, but is limited in it's
> bandwidth.
> Gary Mitchelson
> NC3Z/4 Pamlico County, NC FM15
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