Topband: Vertical Antenna on a cliff above the Sea

Jim Brown jim at
Thu Dec 3 12:30:41 EST 2015

On Thu,12/3/2015 4:07 AM, Robb Webb Proprietor of Robb Webb Photography 
> I live near a high cliff overlooking the sea. The cliff faces south, is a good 100ft high and is made up of mud and clay that over the years has been collapsing into the sea.

N6BT, the excellent designer behind the original Force 12 antennas, has 
studied this extensively and gave a great presentation on the topic at 
Pacificon this fall. He showed that a vertical antenna at the edge of a 
bluff has a strong propagation advantage in the direction of the 
dropoff. The antenna still needs radials, just like any other vertical 
(other than a half wave).

73, Jim K9YC

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