Topband: FCP Antenna

Chortek, Robert L. Robert.Chortek at
Fri Dec 4 09:15:59 EST 2015

Thanks to all the helpful replies, but on and off list!



Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 3, 2015, at 11:52 AM, Chortek, Robert L. <Robert.Chortek at> wrote:
> Dear Fellow Topband Enthusiasts:
> I'm hoping to get a little help here:
> Q:  Will I see noticeable improvement if I change my radial system to a FCP and/or raise the base of my elevated vertical?
> Background:  I have a 60 foot tall vertical I use on 80 meters, which I also base load for 160.  The antenna is fed at the base about 3 feet off the ground. The radial system consists of 12 gull wing radials (8 for 160 and 4 four 80) which slope up to the roof about 10 feet or so high, then make a 90 degree turn and then run roughly parallel to one another but fan out somewhat (6 and 6) The radials essentially form a U shape (base of the U slopes up to the roof and then the legs of the U are on the roof because that is what my lot allows.
> 1.    If I were to replace the radials with a FCP system (and raising the base of the antenna from 3 feet to 8 feet), would my transmitted signal improve to the point where anyone would notice?
> 2.    If I just raised the base of the antenna from 3 feet to 8 feet and kept the existing radial system would my transmitted signal improve to the point where anyone would notice?
> As a frame of reference, I have worked 144 countries on 160 from a 1/4 acre city lot in San Jose, CA. and worked nearly 200 on 80, so I am having some success.   Just trying to figure out what I could do better.  Please, let's not talk about top loading vs. base loading because that is not my question (I understand the benefits of top loading vs. base or center loading, but have my reasons for using base loading - for now) .
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> 73,
> Bob/AA6VB
> _________________
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