Topband: Topband QRP WAS

Tim Shoppa tshoppa at
Sat Dec 5 14:58:24 EST 2015

Rich, you comment on the "combat zone" aspect of ARRL 160M in past years
and how it's not so bad this year.

I agree that past couple years it was brutal but last night, not so bad. I
don't feel activity was down, just maybe a little bit more rationally
spread out. DX window wasn't perfectly respected but did have some useful
sparseness, and the DX certainly did not feel confined to that window

I had some hugely successful runs high in the band (1850-1860), others were
running up there plus a little more, and we were not chased away by the
usual phone nets reserving "their frequency". I think reduced QRM from
phone nets, allowing a busy CW night to have just a little breathing room,
was the big improvement.

Tim N3QE

On Sat, Dec 5, 2015 at 11:40 AM, Richard (Rick) Karlquist <
richard at> wrote:

> On 12/4/2015 9:38 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
>> I'm still working on this, and need a handful of states. They are CT,
>> VT, WV, KY, SC, andMS.  I'm 70 miles S of San Francisco, on the coast.
>> The best time to make these QSOs has been in the 90 or so minutes before
>> local sunrise at the east coast end, and for perhaps 30-45 minutes after
>> local sunrise. If you're calling CQ, I'll find you and do my best to
>> make you hear me. :)
>> Thanks and 73, Jim K9YC
> Last night, I worked several CT, KY, and SC, and at least 1 MS.
> However, these were before 0730Z. I too got up at 1130Z and I
> think I only worked KY on your list this morning. OTOH, JA's
> were booming in this morning, especially JA3YBK who can be
> counted on to be the strongest JA, yet I didn't hear him
> CQ'ing on 1811 as usual.  He called me.
> Activity seemed to be down, so I didn't have a lot of trouble
> getting a run frequency (even running low power) in the
> "dime quarter" band (1810-1825) where JA's hang out. In the
> past, this has virtually been a combat zone.
> Still need (for the contest) WV and VT (always tough to find
> and work from here).
> Rick N6RK
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