Topband: Ideas for xmit antennas for new QTH in KH6

Robert Harmon k6uj at
Wed Dec 9 20:34:09 EST 2015

You guys have inspired me.  I am going to try the same thing.  I have 
toyed with the idea of a T-top
and will try it too.    Please give feedback on how it goes, I will too.


On 12/9/15 4:52 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
> On Wed,12/9/2015 2:34 PM, Cqtestk4xs--- via Topband wrote:
>> On 160 I'm leaning toward a wire vertical suspended from a rope  coming
>> from the tower which would make the antenna about 65 or 70 feet tall 
>> and  to
>> compensate for that I would make it a T-top.
> I like that idea, Bill. Also, if you can think of a way to do it, 
> consider wires insulated from the tower, sloping away from it, and fed 
> from the base against radials or folded counterpoise. If you can 
> elevate that radials at least 20 ft, you can get away with 4-8 per 
> wire. Add radials to the tower and it will act as a passive reflector, 
> giving you a couple of dB in the direction of the slope.
> Also look at the several arrays of sloping wires in ARRL antenna 
> publications. As I recall, there's at least one in the ON4UN book.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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