Topband: Noise levels on 160

Don Kirk wd8dsb at
Tue Dec 15 14:36:35 EST 2015

Hi Hank,

The case I'm currently working on sounds very similar to yours but at 8 Khz
separation and it's due to an AC servo drive on an injection molding
machine 0.5 miles away (a visiting ham in my shack said the signal just
sounded like someone tuning up his rig as it's a pretty clean and narrow
signal).  4 khz and 8 khz are very common carrier frequencies in the world
of variable speed drives (case earlier this year that I worked on used a 4
khz carrier).  In my current case I notice slightly lower signal levels on
the even harmonics, and the signals appear from below 160 meters all the
way through 160 meters and slightly beyond.

Generally I try not to guess at the source as that sometimes puts blinders
on when tracking down the culprit.  The only time I really try and figure
out what the source might be is when it's broadband white noise, and then I
try and determine if the interference is power line arcing related versus
some other kind of source (pretty easy to do).  If it looks like power line
arcing then I use a AM VHF radio with directional antenna for direction
finding as I approach the source versus an HF rig with directional antenna.

Don (wd8dsb)

On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 1:31 PM, HankP <pfizenmayer at> wrote:

> Since the subject of "un-intentional radiators " has come up , I had one
> appear about a week ago .  5 very clean very stable -80dBm  carriers
> 4 khz apart starting at 1815.957, 1819.957, 1823.957, 1827.957 ,1831.954 .
> Then Sunday evening  at 0446 I moved my amp back to 160 and when I sent
>  my call , looked at the P3 panadapter and there was a comb
> from at least 1710 to 1910 every 4 khz. I cannot swear it changed from
> 5 carriers to a comb when  I popped 1500 watts out - but it is now on
> 24 hours a day.
> It nulls NE/SW so is possibly from a new neighbor who seems to be running
> a business about 250 feet away from my loop to SW - and I suspect some
> sort of router.
> Today I will wind up a ferrite rod loopstick for my R10 rx and go sleuthing
> I cannot detect it anywhere except the 1710 to 1910 range - nil on 80 and
> above.
> There may be some weaker stuff below 1710 but hard to tell .
> Any gurus out there have an idea ?
> Thanks
>  Hank K7HP
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