Topband: QRPers calling CQ in the SP ?

Guy Olinger K2AV k2av.guy at
Thu Dec 24 21:09:57 EST 2015

On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 1:03 PM, Jim F. via Topband <topband at>

> It is very difficult for me to work other QRP stations because of a
> strong reluctance to call CQ with such a weak signal.

It is precisely because of the weak QRP signal that one should either wait
out the beginning of the contest, or better, if you aren't further
disadvantaged by running a disadvantaged antenna with your QRP, just go
high enough to find a free frequency and call CQ. You can't compete with KW
S&Pers. There's a pile on all of the CQers. If you are calling CQ, people
will find you.

I found that I was able to hold a run frequency running 100 watts.

If one of the skimmers picks up your signal, there will be folks coming
around as soon as you are spotted.

73, Happy Holidays, and see you in the Stew.

Guy K2AV

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