Topband: ARRL 160CW Contest QRP Portable Op

Tree tree at
Fri Dec 25 11:58:19 EST 2015

Last year - I was operating the Stew from a temporary location - and with a
bench power supply that could only provide enough power to set the K3 power
at about 3.7 watts.  My antenna was a low dipole about 15 feet off the
ground.  It was about the worst possible setup you could have and still
claim you were on the air.

I did manage to get a few answers to CQs even with that setup.  Each and
every QSO was like Gold - and I was heard as far away as New Mexico
(couldn't quite reach to Texas).

This weekend - I have much better antennas and will operate 14 hours high
power with K7RAT - but put in a few hours QRP with N6TR and see what I can
work.  It's fun giving out the 4X multiplier to those who have cleaned out
their ears for the contest.

73 Tree N6TR

On Fri, Dec 25, 2015 at 8:39 AM, <kolson at> wrote:

> What would be much more fair is to go by ERP. 5 watts from one of tho se
> sophisticated antenna farms may very well be stronger than 100w or even
> 600w from, let's say, a Butte rnut with a vestigial radial field. T he
> Butternut guy gets no consideration (in fact, generally he gets derision)
> but the (often louder) 5 watt guy is hailed as  a great big QRP hero (hi
> hi) . Somehow, r unning a compromise antenna marks us as not caring but
> running QRP is "noble".
> To me, the weird thing is that, at least for most of us running compromise
> antennas, our choice is made out of the necessities of real life, that is,
> we do what we can do from a small lot or an antenna restricted development
>  or where zoning laws are especially hostile to amateur antennas. In some
> cases , it's may even be a concession to a neighbor that be insan e (don't
> ask me how I know). The decision to use 5 watts, on the other hand,  is
> basically whim. M ost of our radios output 100w out of the box, so one
> operates at 5 watts because he wants to, not because he has to.  A nd there
> are plenty of reasonably priced used  600w+ amps available if one wants
> even more power that basically only  take desk space, no zoning required.
> 73, Kevin K3OX
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Milt" <miltn5ia at>
> To: topband at, "Robert Harmon" <k6uj at>
> Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2015 8:59:13 PM
> Subject: Re: Topband: ARRL 160CW Contest QRP Portable Op
> Hmmm.  If that is the case, then QRP should NOT be used on any band for
> contesting or otherwise.  That is the name of the game; dig out the weak
> ones.
> I personally have nothing against QRP, having operated QRP in the Stew
> Perry
> contest for 16 of the 19 runnings.  I even have a plaque on the wall for #1
> World operating QRP.
> IMHO the SPDC is the BEST contest to use QRP because #1-You get more points
> per given Q, and #2-The other station gets equal compensation in points for
> copying your QRP signal.  What could be more fair?
> CU all in the SPDC as N7GP during my daylight hours and as N5IA during the
> core night time 14 hours.  I will make the best effort to put every caller
> in the logs; even the real strong QRP guys and the QRO stations I can
> barely
> discern through the din, static and fades receive equal treatment.
> 73, and Merry Christmas to everyone everywhere.
> de Milt, N5IA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Harmon
> Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2015 6:43 PM
> To: topband at
> Subject: Re: Topband: ARRL 160CW Contest QRP Portable Op
> Herb,
> I feel the same way.
> I have nothing against QRP, but for me personally I don't have the
> desire to
> handicap myself with QRP power especially on 160.  It doesn't seem fair
> to me for the guy
> on the other end to be burdened with trying to dig my weak signal out so
> I can make another
> contact.  ( Just my opinion, guys. )
> 73,
> Bob
> K6UJ
> On 12/24/15 3:44 PM, Herbert Schoenbohm wrote:
> > Peter, If you think calling CQ in a contest while  running 5 watts and
> not
> > getting a single reply is fun then have at it. Working some stations with
> > 100 watts is more fun for me.
> >
> >
> > Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ
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