Topband: ARRL 160CW Contest QRP Portable Op

Mort mort.g2jl at
Fri Dec 25 12:09:49 EST 2015

I agree wholeheartedly;  It sticks in my craw when I hear oafs signing  "/QRP" and expecting others to take pity & do their work for them,  with liquid-helium-cooled stacked rhombics & so on.

Nobody returns to me when I sign "G2JL / PPA"  (pretty poor antenna).

I reckon anyone using QRP for reasons other than RFI or penury is a Masochist.  As a Sadist,  I ought to be kind to Masochists,  but I have my limits,  like when my blood boils.

QAC  -  Mort,  G2JL

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