Topband: QRPers calling CQ in the SP ?

w7dra at w7dra at
Fri Dec 25 13:41:42 EST 2015

well, i am not at my daughters house in Aberdeen WA yet, but they have a
basement room right next to a tall tree, so i can get somewhat of a
vertical with two crinkled radials out the basement window and not bother
the rest of the Christmas festivities

i have a powerful 6AG7/2x 807 rig with a 36 pound power supply but i am
remiss of disturbing any working radio set up in the ham shack. the
6AU6/5763 was sitting on a shelf along with the NC125, fair game not
disturbing (make that destroying, dropping, or breaking) any operational

i have 1804, 1808, 1822, 1825, and 1828 rocks along with several
politically incorrect (1978, 1987, 1993) i probably won't be using.

i don't expect VE3CX or N8OO will be answering my CQs like in the ARRL
160, but i will be down there pounding away anyway

mike w7dra/7

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