Topband: A "valid" QSO????

Jorge Diez CX6VM cx6vm.jorge at
Sun Dec 27 10:22:37 EST 2015

Hi Rod

Ups, sorry, didn't notice that reply only to you


Enviado desde mi iPhone

> El 27 dic. 2015, a las 11:37, James Rodenkirch <Rodenkirch_LLC at> escribió:
> Jorge - I'm unsure about that one...ask everyone else - send your question to topband at
> From: Jorge Diez - CX6VM <cx6vm.jorge at>
> Sent: Sunday, December 27, 2015 7:33 AM
> To: James Rodenkirch
> Subject: Re: Topband: A "valid" QSO????
> Yesterday, a USA station worked me on the Stew Perry. But didnt send me his grid locator. I asked him several times and never return with the exchange
> Maybe he need CX and just called me, so what I must do? Delete this QSO? Put the default grid locator?
> 73,
> Jorge
> 2015-12-27 9:09 GMT-03:00 James Rodenkirch <Rodenkirch_LLC at>:
>> Jim K9YC wrote, "A valid contact is the exchange of callsigns and one additional piece of information, followed by acknowledgement by both stations. When running QRP at the limits of propagation, that exchange can take a while."
>> Where would one find official documentation to support that posit?
>> I see some verbiage stating that in some sort of ARRL operating manual written by Mark Wilson, that your "source of support"? I've ntalked to ARRL staff who contend one doesn't need anything other than the exchange of call signs so....I'm just "axin'"!!
>> 72 de Jim Rodenkirch K9JWV
>> _________________
>> Topband Reflector Archives -
> -- 
> 73,
> Jorge

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