Topband: SPTBDC Scheduling

Mort mort.g2jl at
Thu Dec 31 18:51:29 EST 2015

*Flogging a dead horse* (alternatively *beating a dead horse*, or 
*beating a dead dog* in some parts of the Anglophone 
<> world) is an 
idiom <> that means a particular 
request or line of conversation is already foreclosed or otherwise 
resolved, and any attempt to continue it is futile; or that to continue 
in any endeavour (physical, mental, etc.) is a waste of time as the 
outcome is already decided.

Yes !

That sums up Top Band for me,  in a nutshell;  On the air 61 years,  and though I have 200 countries on 8 bands,  I'll never live to get 100 on 1.8 with a low "stealth" antenna & immense noise-levels.  I even need VK / ZL for WAC.  But then,  every time I call CQ I get told this is MY frequency.  Nevertheless,  I have PY and several Ws,  who must have liquid-helium cooled beverages.  But I prefer English unpasteurised warmish beer...

73  -  Mort,  G2JL

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