Topband: Out-of-Turn Callers

Fortra fortra at
Thu Feb 5 07:42:34 EST 2015


is that what you have said, an argument ?
Let us wait a week, and then we will judge...

73's Nermin S58DX

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "KE1F Lou" <lmecseri at>
To: <topband at>
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2015 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Out-of-Turn Callers

To us EP6T was European QSO Party.

GL and 73 Lou  KE1F

On 2/5/2015 1:51 AM, Jan Erik Holm wrote:
> Sorry if I´m a PITA right now but why even bother to
> have this debate about K1N on 160, it´s not even DX
> to NA, like a local station almost.
> Jeez how difficult can it be from the US, anybody with
> 100W and a wet noodle for an antenna can work it. On
> 80 I´m sure at least from the east coast they can be
> worked all day long.
> I don´t know about 160 since so far they haven´t been
> stronger then S2 due to geo mag storm and poor propagation
> 66 degs north where I´m at but so far I´m very disappointed
> in their 80m operation, they never listen for EU or any other
> area, they work 99,5% NA, it is the USA/Canadian QSO party.
> I would have expected a totally different action by that
> bunch of operators, I´m very very sad and sorry to see
> where it all has went to.
> Now this might not be the case on 160, if I´m lucky propagation
> might get better and I might get a shot at it.
> 73 Jim SM2EKM
> ------------------------------------
> On 2015-02-04 01:15, Hardy Landskov wrote:
>> I got up last night for my nightly bathroom ritual and just for grins
>> listened to 160. They were calling CQ and I worked them on 2 calls. Not
>> many trying to get them. This was 1035Z.
>> N7RT
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard (Rick) Karlquist"
>> <richard at>
>> To: <ws6x.ars at>; <topband at>
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2015 4:51 PM
>> Subject: Re: Topband: Out-of-Turn Callers
>>> Why not call around 0700Z after the
>>> band closes to EU and before it opens
>>> to JA?  A bunch of us in CA got them
>>> in the log last night fairly easily.
>>> Rick N6RK
>>> _________________
> _________________
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