Topband: Is self-spotting ALWAYS wrong?

Cqtestk4xs--- via Topband topband at
Sat Feb 7 07:42:49 EST 2015

I agree.  Many times when I was at KH6 at the bottom of the  cycle, I would 
self spot on 10 or 12 since the band was supposedly dead and no  one was 
listening.  The boys in EU would be very happy and more often than  not I'd be 
rewarded with a Q on a "dead band".
Many times that one Q would be followed by a string of more EU  Qs.  In 
fact, at the bottom of the cycle I managed over 50 or 60 Qs with EU  (a polar 
path) doing the self spot.  Now remember, that was a "dead  band".
Now as for self spotting on 15 at 1300Z, that is a no-no as far as  I am 
In a message dated 2/7/2015 12:31:13 P.M. Coordinated Universal Time,  
mikewate at writes:

Pardon  my ignorance, but if there is little or no activity on 160, what
harm does  spotting one's own "CQ DX" do? I know it's frowned upon, but I
have never  understood why.

I called CQ DX for awhile this morning before dawn, and  no one answered. I
know that propagation was decent, because I worked a  VK2, K1N, and heard
other DX. Perhaps if I would have spotted myself on the  DX cluster, then
some DX station would have taken notice and answered  me.

Not everyone tunes the bands looking for CQs all the time (like I  did this
AM after K1N's sunrise). But lots of people monitor the  cluster.

Just who would I have harmed (any why) if I would have  self-spotted myself?

73,  Mike
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