Topband: Is self-spotting ALWAYS wrong?

Juha Rantanen rantalaane at
Sat Feb 7 07:45:54 EST 2015

No one would be harmed. In the spot notes something like " cq dx band open
to AS" would be just fine.

It's only prohibited in contests.

Juha OH6XX
7.2.2015 14.31 kirjoitti "Mike Waters" <mikewate at>:

> Pardon my ignorance, but if there is little or no activity on 160, what
> harm does spotting one's own "CQ DX" do? I know it's frowned upon, but I
> have never understood why.
> I called CQ DX for awhile this morning before dawn, and no one answered. I
> know that propagation was decent, because I worked a VK2, K1N, and heard
> other DX. Perhaps if I would have spotted myself on the DX cluster, then
> some DX station would have taken notice and answered me.
> Not everyone tunes the bands looking for CQs all the time (like I did this
> AM after K1N's sunrise). But lots of people monitor the cluster.
> Just who would I have harmed (any why) if I would have self-spotted myself?
> 73, Mike
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