Topband: BoGs, BaGs and BuGs

Larry via Topband topband at
Wed Feb 11 04:41:45 EST 2015

Sent this before, and not sure it made it, or perhaps it was not worth 
responding to-

> I have been contemplating listening antennas, and after hearing a 
> friend work station after station that I could hear only down in the 
> noise on my inverted Vee, while he was using a 500' Beverage on the 
> Ground (aka BoG) I am convinced that I want to install several.
> The best direction and distance I have is about 25/205 degrees true;  
> I can put up a two way 1000' + BaG (Beverage above ground) with little 
> to no elevation change.  That'll give me 2 wavelengths on 160 and 4 on 
> 80 meters. I have high terrain from about 60 degrees around to 200 
> degrees true azimuth;  everything else is level or lower.
> I can get about 500' due west ( high terrain immediately to the east) 
> and about 700' at 50 to 60 degrees.
> In order to get those, I would have to cross under high tension wires, 
> and I was thinking that it would be best to run a BoG for those two, 
> possibly even underground for the portion running under the lines.  I 
> am thinking of using 16/2 copper landscape wire, which appears to show 
> an impedance around 200 ohms.
> Several questions for the group:
> 1) is it worth it to install a beverage at 25 degrees especially for 
> 160?  I'm not sure that I'd get much at that azimuth from FM19
> 2) I know that it is considered a bad idea to run parallel to power 
> lines, but what about an oblique angled cross?
> 3)  the two BoGs would cover about 100' elevation change, perhaps 
> more.  Will that ruin the directional pattern of the Beverage?
> Any thoughts or suggestions?
> Best to all,
> Larry KD8WSP

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