Topband: TI9/3Z9DX

Nodir Tursun-Zade nodir.ey8mm at
Thu Feb 19 11:59:24 EST 2015

Band was really nice last night. Worked TI9 from balck hole Asia location. 
Before this I was able to log few US stations. First time after 2013 

Navassa K1N was audible almost daily on my SR peak. But KP1 has way better 
heading than polar TI9 and US.

Condx got better.


Nodir Tursun-Zade

> TI9 had a super signal on 160 last nite,  before my sunset he was 579 and 
> peaked over
> 599 at sunset,  of course EU only,  and he was working them at a good 
> clip.  Good to see

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