Topband: Brave New World

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at
Thu Feb 26 14:08:55 EST 2015

Except it is not an ABUSE of the rules.  People feel that it is an abuse 
but it is fully sanctioned by the ARRL.

If people want to pay to use a station in NY that is their choice. How 
does that choice impact any of us?  My DXCC and awards are MINE your 
participation on the bands has nothing to do with me working a station.  
Maybe you beat me out in a pile up but chances are I am still going to 
work the DX.  We in the west have to work through the east coast wall to 
Europe and Africa and the Middle East.  What exactly is the difference?  
You don't want to see your built in advantage of location minimized.

I worked DX in Montana where I lived in the Summers and I am counting 
it.  My stations, my contacts.  I worked DX in a number of locations in 
Colorado.  Once again my contacts, my awards, my dx.  I can move to W1 
land and still make contacts that count toward my DXCC.  Why does anyone 
care about MY DXCC award.  My award has no bearing on your award.  So 
the only pure way or the right way to do it is that if I want an built 
in advantage, I have to actually spend more money to actually move to W1 
land and build a station?  Then it magically becomes ok?

Remote receivers are probably being used all the time now.  No way in 
the world to catch anyone doing it.  There are so many of them. That is 
not what this discussion is about though.  Cheaters will cheat 
regardless of the rules.

Mike W0MU

On 2/26/2015 11:53 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
> On Thu,2/26/2015 10:41 AM, Charlie wrote:
>> The serious DX chasers, especially Topband, are faced with a dilemma 
>> now.   Anyone  who wants to pay the $$ can be at the head of the line 
>> for a rare one by remoting to a world class station, rather than 
>> using his own equipment.  Many will elect to do that.  I will not be 
>> one of them.
> Nor will I.  I agree entirely with your analysis, Charlie. I view the 
> use of a remote station far from my QTH for that sort of advantage as 
> cheating, even though ARRL considers it OK. It is exactly this sort of 
> abuse that gives remote operation a bad name.
> From NorCal, I had not a snowball's chance in hell of working EP6T on 
> topband -- heck, except for contest stations islands like EA8 and CT3, 
> I haven't heard EU or AF on topband for several years. I did work them 
> on one band, I think it was 15M.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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