Topband: EP6T and outside world

Dave Olean k1whs at
Wed Jan 21 07:27:31 EST 2015

Hello Gary
I got to listen first time for EP6T on 160 early Monday evening Jan 19. It was just before their sunrise. I could hardly hear them, but at times they would peak up to about 539, so a QSO was possible. They definitely peaked at sunrise. They were not hearing any northeast USA stations even though many were calling. Many times they came back to a wall of callers with another CQ or they worked an EU or Russian. I wonder if possibly my antenna is not aimed so good for EP6T. I was only hearing them on my EU beverage. It is aimed at 45 degrees and is over 1000 ft long They were inaudible on the vertical alone,  Nil on the JA/ Brazil wire (un terminated). I do not have a beverage that aims east or southeast. I am not sure what the best heading would be with skewed paths etc. etc. but so far, it looks like EP6T will be tough to get on 160 for me. I did hear a few jammers, and from the strength I would say the jammers I heard were in the USA. I don't understand that. What ever happened to the Amateur's code?  I guess some people hate contests with a vengeance, and then some must hate DXing with equal malice, but that is no reason for such bad behavior. I guess it means that basically the world is doomed and we are in a death spiral towards utter mayhem and murder. I wonder if there is this much aggression and psychotic behavior evident in stamp collecting?  I'll try EP6T again. Condx have been poor on 160 of late. Maybe it will get better?
Dave K1WHS
Message: 16
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 16:09:40 -0500
From: "Gary Smith" <Gary at>
To: topband at
Subject: Re: Topband: EP6T and outside world
Message-ID: <54BEC414.17080.87B89B4 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

I have been listening for them but barely hear them on 80 and never 
once yet on 160. Amazingly I worked them on 40 through the bastards 
QRMing on their frequency. I can't think of any DXpedetion I have 
heard with greater QRMing than this EP6T operation is enduring.

I see a few of the fellows with excellent Rx antennas in NA posting 
hearing them, so they are being heard by some. Perhaps there are 
nulls in the 160 signal making it difficult/impossible for most to 
copy? Maybe it's just where we are in the cycle. If most of us could 
hear them, I'm guessing there would be more mention on the reflector?


Gary, KA1J

  That has kept me preplexed since the expedition began - not a 
single word in the TB reflector. How come? Usually even a minor 
expedition with TB claims is being widely discussed. I think everyone 
in NA, SA, OC hopes to log them despite East EU wall and QRN/QRM 
issues fellows have been dealing with. I've been hearing them on TB 
on my SS till abt 2.12 UT up and down, max S4. Other bands they are 
resonably loud but focused mostly on EU. I hope they will find time 
for SA.
> Congratulations to Florida Plumbers Team (since they have the 
pipeline)! Well done, boys!
> 73 Alex

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