Topband: EP6T and outside world

Bob Garrett rgarrett5 at
Fri Jan 23 10:18:50 EST 2015

Ken and others, at least last evening, there was very few times when somebody called on the frequency and unlike the other bands, there was no great pile up or piling on.I believe at least for now the gentleman's band is still alive and wellBob, K3 UL

Robert  B. Garrett, President/C.E.O.  
North Central Sight Services, Inc.
2121 Reach Road
Williamsport, PA 17701
P: 570-323-9401 Ext.126

Sent from my iPhone 

> On Jan 23, 2015, at 10:09 AM, Kenneth Grimm <grimm at> wrote:
> Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ lamented:
> 160 stopped becoming the "Gentleman's Band" ever since mainstream
> manufacturers started incoroporating a spot marked "160" on the front of
> their rigs & linears...
> I think you are right, Eddy.  However, I can remember as recently as the
> 70's and maybe into the 80's being in a "gentleman's pileup" for a DX
> station on 160 and finding it completely different.  First of all, no one
> called zero beat with the DX.  With signal levels on top band, it is the
> height of stupidity and simply bad manners to do that!  Secondly, believe
> it or not, if there were three or four stations calling...they generally
> took their turn, giving the other guys in the "pile-up" a clear shot.
> Calls tended to be quite short and you didn't call unless you heard the
> DX.  Those types of behavior seem to be long gone from top band.
> I used to refer to the "gentlemen's band" at the breakfast table when I was
> telling my XYL about interesting DX and QSOs that I had had on top band the
> night before.  I don't remember exactly when, but at some point I started
> calling it "Marconi's band."  She asked about Marconi and I explained his
> role in the development of "DXing."  She then wanted to know why I had
> changed from working on the "gentlemen's band" and moved to "Marconi's
> band."  My answer was that " it was the same place, but things have
> changed."
> 73,
> -- 
> Ken - K4XL
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