Topband: The Remote question

W0MU w0mu at
Sun Jul 12 15:04:08 EDT 2015

Well said Dave!

On 7/12/2015 10:49 AM, Dave AA6YQ wrote:
> The reaction of the DXing community to new technology over the years has been extremely interesting to observe. Some ops are early
> adopters, applying every bleeding-edge technology available that isn't explicitly prohibited by "the rules". At the other extreme
> are ops who effectively camp on the technology available at the time they became DXers, and argue that any use of
> subsequently-developed new technology would diminish the value of DXCC awards. Vigorous (and sometimes nasty) debates across this
> spectrum are as old as DXing, and will likely never end.
> The ARRL is in the unenviable position of having to keep the DXCC program "attractive" in the face of relentless technical change
> and the broad range of DXer "attitudes" described above. To make things more interesting, they are human, and thus occasionally make
> mistakes. It is the nature of DXing award programs that some mistakes cannot be corrected, at least not until time machines become
> available.
> At the root of all of this is our nature to compete. If DXCC were purely a set of personal achievement awards, then each op would
> choose his or her "technology ground rules", and sally forth accordingly. Some DXers do just that. However,
> <>
> isn't entitled "DXCC Standings" for no reason. Some of us compete, and compete hard, fueling demands for a "level playing field".
> The bottom line, in my opinion, is that competitive DXers will never be happy. Someone else will always have an unfair advantage,
> because short of requiring *all* DXers to live within the same flat 200 km circle and use identical rigs/ants/apps, the DXCC playing
> field can never be leveled.
> My advice? Don't suffer in silence, convey constructive suggestions to your ARRL representatives.  But when the DXCC rules change or
> don't change,  recognize that you are one of a large, diverse community that cannot possibly all be simultaneously pleased.
> DX Is!
>           73,
>                    Dave, AA6YQ
> _________________
> Topband Reflector Archives -

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