Topband: re BOG antennas again

K1FZ-Bruce k1fz at
Tue May 19 14:11:09 EDT 2015

My BOG was operating well at 1.8 MHZ before it became  compresses 
under a mass of weeds and vegetation causing the resonance to go lower 
in frequency. 
(similar to a covered wire having a lower velocity factor than the same 
wire when bare.) 
Fashioned a hook at the end of an old mop handle, easily pulled the 
wire up to the surface, and the BOG is "right back to normal". 
 On most soil, a BOG will resonate to 160 meters using ~ 200 feet. 
There are variances with soil difference.  Length can be adjusted for 
the optimum  front to back when terminated. 
Termination resistance varies with soil, I start with 235 ohms . 
Also check out
search BOG antennas, K2AV, and K1FZ

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