Topband: Beverage on Ground under Snow

Don WB6BEE via Topband topband at
Wed May 27 09:50:16 EDT 2015

On advise from Steve VK6VZ and Phil VK6GX, I recently joined this reflector.  Thought I would repost an inquiry that I placed on another forum to see how it works.

Looking for advise.

I am working on my station for 160/80 meters.   In 53 years, only a handful of contacts on those bands.   I have recently put up a full 1/4 wavelength vertical for 80 meters.  I will use a base loading coil for 160 m.   I am now considering a separate receiving antenna.   I don't have the property or terrain for a full above ground beverage, but do have the necessary space for a couple of beverage on ground antennas in the range of 200-220 feet long (61-67 meters).   One situated EU and one situated JA.

My question is what happens when I get 3-6 feet (1-2 meters) of snow on top of the  Beverage on ground.  Will it still function.  Change relative to matching.

Anyone have any experience with significant amounts of snow on one of these antennas and how it performed

Thanks in Advance


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