Topband: FW: Commond mode choke for Beverage

Bill Hider n3rr at
Mon Oct 12 11:23:55 EDT 2015



I just now built  & tested what you need.


I tried 7 & 8 turns, but it resolved too high in freq.


Use 9 TURNS on a core-stack of five (5) of  P/N 2631803802 cores. That’s the Mix #31 core.


For the choke windings, make the windings VERY tight to the core-stack.

To do that, you will need 79 INCHES of RG-58/U – for the windings alone.  

ADD to that what you need for a pigtail and connectors.


Here is what I measured after I built the above.

As measured on my DG8SAQ VNWA Vector Network Analyzer:

1.8 MHz   Zmag = 12,230 Ohms, Rs = 9,201 Ohms, 41.8 dB  Common Mode Attenuation

1.9 MHz   Zmag = 13,211 Ohms, Rs = 10,831 Ohms, 42.47 dB  Common Mode Attenuation

2.0 MHz   Zmag = 14,083 Ohms, Rs = 12,414 Ohms, 43.03 dB  Common Mode Attenuation


Put the choke close to the 9:1 matching device.  1 Foot from the 9:1 will be fine.


If you want to, add another choke (9T on 5 Cores) 1 foot from the switch box.


If you have any questions, please email me:

N3RR (at)


I can email you the frequency plot from my VNWA if you want it.


Please let me know how this works for you.


73 & GL!


Bill N3RR




From: "Filipe Lopes" <ct1ilt at>
To: "JC" <n4is at>
Cc: "topBand" <topband at>
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 1:51:43 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Commond mode choke for Beverage

Hello JC,

Thanks for your answer.

I just ordered a few 2631803802 and 5943003801 from mouser.

With these ferrites I ask the same question, should I put the choke close
to the 9:1 Balun or near the switching box and how many turns? some bevs
have the feed point at +- 60m away from the switching box.

73's Filipe Lopes

2015-10-12 15:40 GMT+02:00 JC <n4is at>:

> Hi Filipe
> Zero , you should use material #31  or #77 , The core you have is not good
> for low bands.
> JC
> N4IS
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of Filipe
> Lopes
> Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 8:46 AM
> To: topBand <topband at>
> Subject: Topband: Commond mode choke for Beverage
> Hi guys,
> I am about to add a common mode choke to isolate the antenna from its
> feedline to each of my beverages and I only have FT240-61 ferrites. My
> question is how many turns should I do on the ferrite using RG58 (all my
> bevs are fed with RG58). Also should I put the choke near the 9:1 balun or
> near my bev switching box?
> Thanks in advance.
> 73's Filipe Lopes
> F4VPX - TM3M
> _________________
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