Topband: Pre-Stew

Tim Shoppa tshoppa at
Wed Oct 14 18:50:56 EDT 2015

Ahem... Pre-Stew is in THREE days!

Tim N3QE

On Wednesday, October 14, 2015, Tree <tree at> wrote:

> Good day all - thought I would share some more experience I have had with
> loading a tower with a SteppIR on top of it.
> As I reported last season - I used a loaded tower at NE7D with a DB-18E on
> it to work the K1N DX pedition.
> Recently - I acquired a MonsterIR and after talking to ZL3IX, I decided to
> connect the two elements at each end of the boom to the boom.  This is
> pretty easy to do - contact me off list if you want more data.
> I am happy to report this all seems to be working with no issues to the
> normal operation of the beam.  The tower is 77 feet tall and works very
> well with "only" 20 radials on the ground.  I will be increasing it to
> about 40 soon.
> I also asked SteppIR if they had ever had any customer complain about
> problems associated with loading a tower with one of their antennas on top
> - and they have not.  Of course - it might just mean the ZL3IX, NE7D and I
> are the only ones who have tried.  :-)
> I find that the frequency setting for the Monster affects things on 160
> meters as expected.  I can move the low SWR point up and down the band
> some.  My nominal setting for 1825 kHz is around 9 MHz.  My gamma is about
> 45 feet high - spaced two feet from the tower.  I don't know my exact gamma
> capacitance - but it equates to about 10 feet of RG8 coax used as a
> capacitor.
> See you on the band!!  I also put up a Hi-Z 4 square for RXing.
> Oh - and the PreStew is coming up in about 10 days!!!
> Tree N6TR/7
> Hillsboro, OR
> _________________
> Topband Reflector Archives -

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