Topband: ADC Overload from MW transmitters

Jim Brown jim at
Mon Oct 19 13:06:22 EDT 2015

Does that mean "don't bother me with facts, I've made up my mind?"

Tom presented his experience. He's a damn good engineer, so we should 
pay attention to it.

Much earlier in this thread, I observed that most serious contesting 
stations using more than one transmitter will have bandpass filters in 
the RX path, which will, for all practical purposes, eliminate overload 
from signals that are far out of band, but they won't eliminate overload 
from IN-band signals. Two examples of this are 1) two transmitters on 
the same band, as is commonly done by serious competitors in 160M 
contests and by multi-ops in DX contests; and nearly in-band broadcast 
signals, as on 40M and 20M.

Yes, a few contesters are beginning to use the higher quality SDRs (they 
currently own and use Flex 6700s). One group, near me, is working on a 
multi-multi site on a mountain peak in the 3,000 ft range, which they 
plan to operate by remote control. There are serious engineers in the 
group and I suspect they're spending serious bucks on the station, so 
there's no doubt that it will include serious bandpass filtering. :)

I suspect that remote control and the ability to see a bandscope over a 
robust remote link has something to do with their choice of radios.

73, Jim K9YC

On Mon,10/19/2015 8:47 AM, MIKE DURKIN wrote:
> SPAM !!!!!!

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