Topband: V73D question

bob hervatine n2ns at
Fri Oct 23 18:53:45 EDT 2015

V73D best heard today (and most previous days) on SW setting on my K9AY loop. SP beam heading from my central California QTH to V7 is 267 degrees. V73D TB signals this AM (Friday) were light.

I have listened to V73D on TB most days since they first came on. I can not recall a single day when they had a strong signal here, either early in the V7 evening OR during the W6 s/r peak here. On the other hand, the recent E6 and T2 operations had relatively strong 160m signals here on many occasions when they were QRV. 

73, Bob N2NS 

> From: art at
> Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2015 13:54:39 -0400
> To: topband at
> Subject: Topband: V73D question
> I am curious what beam heading (for lack of a better term), you received
> them at this morning.
> I was unable to copy them on my SW BOG or on the Inv L, but had pretty
> decent copy on my  OCF antenna at 50ft. The ends of the OCF are E/W.
> 73
> Art NK8X
> Michigan
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