Topband: RFI - and lots of it

Jim Murray adkmurray at
Wed Oct 28 16:49:47 EDT 2015

Thanks Steve.  I agree but didn't expect this problem.  Should have known this could be a problem since this is an older home that has been remodeled.  Regardless of the outcome with the power company I've been studying Jims writings on grounding and bonding and finding things that don't look right such as no ground rod for the power panel and a few elements of bonding are missing.  Looks like I'll have to straighten a few things up inside also.Regards,jim/k2hn

Jim K9YC is absolutely right - I live in a similar situation to you and the 
problems have been markedly improved by getting the grounding and bonding to 
earth improved around the house - wish I had taken Jim's advice years ago. 
House earths are often very simple at best and whilst they may be good 
enough to save your life, they are often not good enough in terms of RF.

Have a look at Jim's book (there are some great diagrams) and get an 
professional electrician in to beef up/improve the house earth/improve the 
equipment bonding.

The likelihood is you win both ways - probably be safer and the RF noise 
will be lower.

Vy 73

Steve, VK6VZ

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