Topband: Waller Flag

Richard (Rick) Karlquist richard at
Tue Sep 8 17:48:48 EDT 2015

On 9/8/2015 1:01 PM, Lee  K7TJR wrote:

> To me a signal of 79 uVolts is something over S-9 on a receiver. Would a
> simple dipole or inverted Vee antenna with essentially no gain produce a
> whopping signal from the same source. Of course it would pick up noise as
> well but I would think it would not be of an equal S-9 level.

FWIW, my 90 foot 160 meter vertical routinely produces 79 uVolts from
DX signals.  Even FT5ZM on Amsterdam Island was in this range.
Stateside big guns at 1000+ miles produce much more than this,
20 to 40 dB more.

Rick N6RK

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