Topband: Half slopers ???

Ryszard Tymkiewicz rtym at
Sat Apr 2 07:50:26 EDT 2016

> Are we talking half slopers or quarter wave slopers here. ..... shield
> bonded to the tower at the top.
> 73
> Ed  N1UR
> _
Ed I was talking exactly about such (quarter wave ) sloper  and I have 
had shield connected
to the tower at the top. SWR was 1:1 on both 160 and 80m but there were 
wires for each band connected to a coax by realys. I still use this 
system on 80m and
its not bad but I have very good soil. For sure shunt fed tower will be 
the best solution...
but as I wrote I can't use it on 80m as the hat is too big. It was even 
not problem with matching
because I was able to do it but reports from far located stations were 
worse than on sloper..probably too high I stay with slopers on 80m (quarter wave) till now.

                            Rys  SP5EWY

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