Topband: VOA Antennas
Chuck Hutton
charlesh3 at
Sat Apr 9 15:21:19 EDT 2016
And for those that like to be closer to a lot of power while producing arcs:
From: Topband <topband-bounces at> on behalf of Mike Waters <mikewate at>
Sent: Saturday, April 9, 2016 7:00 PM
To: dick.bingham
Cc: topband at
Subject: Re: Topband: VOA Antennas
The Sterba curtain at the old Bethany, Ohio VOA had 20 dB of gain. I saw it
up close during a ham club trip years ago.
Hams that worked there would sometimes drive out next to it at night, and
connect their mobile transceivers to it for a night of DX fun.
The RF field in front of that antenna was so intense that one could
sometimes hear the program audio emanate from tiny arcs in a low, rusty
barbed wire fence along the road in front of that huge Sterba.
That enormous antenna, fed with huge Collins and Crosley transmitters
re-defined the word "awesome". :-)
Across the road from that fence were a number of newer houses, BTW. Helps
prove that shortwave never hurt anyone, doesn't it?
73, Mike
On Sat, Apr 9, 2016 at 12:40 PM, dick.bingham <dick.bingham at>
> What was the gain/beamwidth of these arrays ? The ERP must have been
> incredible given the high power transmitters used plus the antenna gain .
> Migratory Geese could have warmed themselves as they flew thru the region.
> 73 Dick/w7wkr CN97uj
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