Topband: Gamma Match Tower Question

Gene Smar ersmar at
Tue Aug 9 23:34:13 EDT 2016


     In my shunt-fed (gamma-matched) 64 foot tower I did option (d).  I ran
the coaxes up inside one tower leg angle iron.  I used insulated #12 solid
house wire (Home Despot 500 foot reels) to tie the cables to factory-drilled
holes in the legs all the way to the top.  

73 de
Gene Smar  AD3F

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of Bill Hein
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2016 4:01 PM
To: Topband at
Subject: Topband: Gamma Match Tower Question

I want to get back on Top Band this fall and am planning on Gamma Matching
one of my free standing towers (and plant a few Beverages).

The tower I'm planning on using is an AN Wireless HD-70 (70 foot tall, wide
base that tapers as it goes up) grounded tower topped with a 15 ft mast and
a Force 12 Magnum 340 620 Yagi, the later should make a nice cap hat.

My question: I have two hardline coax cables running up the outside of the
tower held in place by Andrew non-conductive clamps. Should I (a) move the
cables inside of the tower, (b) ground the cables at the top of the tower
(they are gounded at the base now), (c) do something else, (d) do both, or
(e) leave it as is.

I am also planning on grounding all the parasitic elements on the big F12
dual bander to the boom at the element center.


Glade Park CO
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