Topband: active antenna height

Richard (Rick) Karlquist richard at
Fri Aug 26 14:59:35 EDT 2016

Increasing the height by 10% or so is worth a dB or so in
signal level (not S/N ratio).  You didn't say if you are
already planning on top loading wires.  Adding those will
make a lot more difference than an extra 10% height.
If your antennas are guyed, the loading wires are "free".

Rick N6RK

On 8/25/2016 7:00 PM, Gary Smith wrote:
> I've decided to make the plunge and buy one of the 8 element active
> arrays for 160M-40M. Looking at the price for the antenna kit, it's
> just too much considering the cost of the electronics, so I need to
> roll my own.
> I was thinking of getting the Telescoping Aluminum Tubing that comes
> in 6' lengths from Texas Towers; .375", 5" & 6.25". If I slide each
> inside 6", that'll come to a 17' tall element. Is that sufficient
> height? Would adding another 2-3 feet make any difference with these
> kind of active antennas?
> 73,
> Gary
> KA1J
> _________________
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