Topband: Inverted L Radials

K1FZ-Bruce k1fz at
Thu Dec 1 15:14:25 EST 2016

This is normal, but without the radials your RF is  mostly heating up 
the earth. 
If you make the L a little longer, then insert a variable capacitor at 
the feed point, you should be able to find a higher feed point with the 
radials connected.. 
With trial and error 'juggling' the extra wire length and capacitance. 
you can get very close to 50 ohms, and get a good signal out for DX. 

On Thu, 1 Dec 2016 19:59:57 +0000 (UTC), james soto via Topband  wrote:

       Hi allLast year i install an inverted L antenna for 160 with few 
radials different lenght.ohms was between 20 to 25 ohms and swr about 
2.2 . This past weekend i was checking thethe antenna with the mfj 
analyser and i proceed to disconnect the radials from the groundrod and 
just leave the ground portion of the coax attach to the ground rod and 
the reading wasSWR 1.2 and 50 ohms. are this normal ?
KP2BH / jimmy
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