Topband: ARRL 160

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at
Mon Dec 5 14:55:48 EST 2016

If you remove the line completely the other guy gets a busted QSO!  You 
put an X in front of the line.  Not sure about the exact formatting.

On 12/5/2016 12:25 PM, Ward Silver wrote:
> If the web upload app for log submission finds something in a QSO: 
> line it can't deal with...
> > The ARRL submission AP tells you to correct the mistakes rather than 
> remove or unclaim them and that is NOT RIGHT!
> Point of clarification - the app does not really know anything about a 
> particular call.  It just knows that the data it found in what it 
> thought was a call sign field did not look like a call sign.  (You 
> would get a similar error if the Sent Call data is bad or the RST 
> isn't an RST.)  It is up to the log submitter as to what to do about 
> that.  If the QSO: line is just mis-formatted, rearranging the 
> information to satisfy the Cabrillo format is perfectly OK.  If the 
> call sign is busted (from typo, mis-copy, or whatever), my suggestion 
> would be to remove the line entirely. Same thing if the the section 
> abbreviation is not valid.
> 73, Ward N0AX
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