Topband: 1809.2 kHz constant dashes

Charlie Young weeksmgr at
Tue Dec 6 10:20:36 EST 2016

At 1505 UTC, the 1809 kHz dash station is peaking S7 in Charleston WV, well above the noise on my TX inverted L.   There is significant QSB on the signal, down to S3 or 4, but always above the background noise.

The signal is W/NW from me.  The Hi Z triangle does not have enough resolution but hears the signal better than my bogs. Clearly better on the NW position than SW or N.   The signal seems better on a 280 degree bog than it does on a 330 degree bog but it is close.

I have 4 tx inverted L's, each on a different hill quadrant.  In the absence of power line noise, they hear fairly well.  I can usually discern the general signal direction from listening to these antennas, if the signal is out of the noise.  The NW inverted L is clearly best on the dash signal.

At the moment, 1520 UTC, the signal has taken a significant fade and is only audible now on the NW inverted L.  It has fallen below the noise on the rx antennas.

Hope this helps.

73 Charlie N8RR

From: Topband <topband-bounces at> on behalf of Eric NO3M <no3m at>
Sent: Tuesday, December 6, 2016 8:34 AM
To: topband at
Subject: Re: Topband: 1809.2 kHz constant dashes

Signal peaks on SW beverage (245 deg) and 8-circle array aimed SW (245
deg) here in WPA (EN91wr).  Slightly more signal on the west than south
directions, so extrapolate slightly more west than 245 deg.

73 Eric NO3M

On 12/06/2016 09:05 AM, Don Kirk wrote:
> Thanks Russ,
> With your heading, we are starting to narrow in on a East South East
> direction from Columbus Ohio (heading 106 degrees from Columbus Ohio at a
> distance of approximately 77 miles).
> If someone is in that general area it would be nice to know if they hear
> the signal during the middle of the day.
> Suspect location subject to change as more data is received.
> Thanks,
> Don
> On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 8:42 AM, Russ Tobolic via Topband <
> topband at> wrote:

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