Topband: ET7L DXCC approval

Merv Schweigert k9fd at
Tue Dec 6 11:04:40 EST 2016

I see a lot of remote receiver and transmitter use,  so far its not 
being addressed
that I know of.

I got blasted yesterday on the DX clusters because I was spotting A45, 
3B9, 3B8,
RA9 etc,  LID on the cluster said I was using remote,  I suggest the 
operator LID
use the call book and see where my call is licensed before opening his 
mouth and
proving his ignorance.

Merv K9FD   (Manaloa Hawaii for the uninformed)

> Does anyone know the reason(s) for ARRL's withholding the approval for 
> the excellent ET7L operation?
> Another unpleasant item is the growing use of remote RXs. It's not 
> difficult to identify the fakers but does ARRL care?
> Seasons' Greetings & 73!
> Jan DL9KR.
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