Topband: Bowtie Flags

Mark Connelly markwa1ion at
Tue Dec 13 14:00:37 EST 2016

As Nick undoubtedly knows, Bowtie antennas have been in use by medium wave broadcast band DXers for some time now.

One I tested here in 2010 is shown in this sketch:

Some use a dual feedline scheme so the pattern can be reversed.  This would be implemented by 16:1 transformers at each end if 50-75 ohm coaxial cable is used or 9:1 transformers if using 90-150 ohm balanced feed (CAT-5, speaker wire, two conductor zip / lamp cord, twisted pair etc.) as recommended by Dallas Lankford and others.  In the balanced feedline case, a 1.8:1 or 2:1 transformer (e.g. #73 binocular core with 4 turns : 3 turns or 7 turns : 5 turns) is used in-shack to get to unbalanced coaxial en route to the receiver / transceiver, RPA-1 or similar amp, or phasing unit.

Dual feedline split flag is another variant:

Dual feedline antennas have a 4-pole 2-throw switch at the shack end so either end can be switched to the receiver path and the opposite end to a 250 or 500 ohm pot that facilitates in-shack null termination adjustment.

Some people go with a single orientation antenna and put a preamp such as the Wellbrook FLG100LN ( ) right at the forward side.  This tends to overwhelm any feedline pick-up (common-mode or otherwise) although common-mode choking is still advisable near the antenna when longer runs (over 60m / 200 ft.) of feedline are involved.

In the case of a single orientation set-up, you then get to figure out what termination end scheme is best.  These basically boil down to the following options:
(1) Fixed resistor in the 680-1200 ohm range either modelled / guessed-at or determined by use of a potentiometer if it can somehow be adjusted midway up the side of the antenna while monitoring a target station to null.
(2) "Vactrol" termination: a photoresistor adjusted by a DC voltage applied on a control line from the shack: see page 9 of
(3) Potentiometer adjusted by a motor drive: see

My experience with the Bowtie I installed in 2010 was that it was about 10-12 dB less sensitive than a Flag or Kaz Delta occupying the same rectangular "box" of air space.

Nulling off the back could be wider than that of a Flag but the bandwidth at which the null stayed optimum at a particular terminating resistance was not as wide as with the Flag (or its SuperLoop base-fed variation: ).

Seeing that the MW broadcast band 530-1710 kHz has a greater max/min frequency range ratio than the 1800-2000 kHz of 160m, issues that might be problematic for broadcast DXers could matter a lot less on 160.

Some of the perceived problems of low gain and null bandwidth could easily have been cured by a combination of rigorous common-mode choking as done on the Waller Flag ( ) and high gain at-antenna amplification.
Mark Connelly, WA1ION
South Yarmouth, MA


Although I did not measure it, the front to back, and front to side is
better, overall more quiet.
It is receiving toward the Caribbean.?
Europe, and USA stations, are lower in signal strength.
Can often work?Caribbean and South American stations through a small
pile up when they are not working split.
In my case it was a worth while change.
The original plan was to be able to drive my car under it.

On Mon, 12 Dec 2016 16:35:14 +0000, Nick Hall-Patch wrote:

What specific improvements did you note when the Delta was raised Bruce?



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