Topband: Radio World; Noise Floor; Where do we go from here?

JC n4is at
Sat Dec 17 07:07:54 EST 2016

Hi Guy

I live in Ft Lauderdale city lot, 6 million people in 100 miles, very noise on the vertical, zero noise on the Horizontal Waller Flag,  

In the next 10 year every ham will use some kind or receiving antennas.

That’s what we do, innovation !! new things .. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of Guy Olinger K2AV
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2016 2:06 PM
To: Art Snapper <art at>
Cc: 160 <topband at>
Subject: Re: Topband: Radio World; Noise Floor; Where do we go from here?

Hi Art,

I have uVerse, as do a lot of neighbors around here, and a huge development on the other side of US64 from me is mostly uVerse,

Of all the noises I have chased around here, uVerse has only been responsible for very weak continuous tones, and those seem to have gradually disappeared since they quit installing 2Wire 3800 gateway boxes in favor of newer technology. I don't hear any of them today, as an information point.

The old faithful dirty dozen of motor speed controllers, plain ole power line buzz, plasma TV's, etc is really unchanged in the last ten years. I haven't heard solar controllers yet. In any event, absent the dirty dozen, the local background around here is S3/S4 and disappears in the band noise as the band opens up. The S6, S7 is coming from ELSEWHERE, and requires an open band to get here.

In that North American continental band noise, the real killer is lightning QRN. There is almost never a day any more that does not have lightning in North America somewhere, that is the controlling noise absent the dirty dozen. Shall we add global warming to the list of culprits for forever robbing us of QRN free winters? There is no doubt on this last issue as such internet tools as
tell you 24 hours where all the static is coming from. It also shows the powerful lightning storms that occur in dead of winter now out over our east coast water that have nothing to attenuate them coming back to harass our receivers. I have only noticed one lightning free evening in North America this fall, soon to be official winter.

What is your rationale and data for dumping on uVerse? Not that they can't be responsible for crap. But basis in fact to start with?

Not that I'm a fan, particularly, of everything AT&T does. BUT, we never help ourselves any by pointing fingers where the point is not specifically deserved. I got lots of street cred with them in getting a long term fix for my QRO 160 getting into uVerse and rebooting 3800 gateway boxes, by being specific, religiously factual, cooperative, giving them time to figure things out, and being willing to try out new aspects to a fix one at a time. They finally nailed it and have a book to repeat the fix for other hams with 160/80/40 getting into gateway boxes.

Feeding them BS complaints would have derailed the entire improvement process.

73, Guy K2AV

On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 12:32 PM, Art Snapper <art at> wrote:

> It is ironic  to see AT&T's filings, since their uVerse product is 
> responsible for quite an increase in the noise floor on HF.
> Art NK8X
> On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 11:18 AM, <daraymond at> wrote:
> > Greetings topbanders. . .we’ve had discussions before on the ever 
> > increasing noise floor.  Looks like we’re not the only ones paying 
> > attention.  I live in the country well outside the Des Moines area.  
> > In
> the
> > past five years or so my noise floor has gone from –125 or –130 dbm 
> > to about –100 db (or worse) as measured at daytime on my quarter 
> > wave
> vertical
> > with a bandwidth setting of 0.4 KHz.  It appears to be due to
> construction
> > of a few new houses even though they are 0.5 mile or more away.  See 
> > the link below:
> >
> >
> > we-go-from-here/300031
> >
> > 73 with the compliments of the Season. . . Dave, W0FLS
> >
> >
> >
> >
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