Topband: How can I tune an FCP without isolation transformer ???

Douglas Ruz (CO8DM) co8dm at
Mon Feb 1 14:57:39 EST 2016


I mean i CAN NOT get an isolation transformer...

73....Douglas, CO8DM

"No creo que haya alguna emoción más intensa para un inventor que ver alguna 
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Douglas Ruz (CO8DM)" <co8dm at>
To: <topband at>
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 2:49 PM
Subject: Topband: How can I tune an FCP without isolation transformer ???

Hi Topbanders,

I am building an Inv L for 160m with FCP.

As i can get an isolation transformer i will add a series loading coil 
(about 17uH) to my FCP and then an RF choke.

How can i tune my FCP + Loading coil ??...i need a balance between 
FCP+Loading coil and the Radiator.

Can i build 2 FCP with loading coils and tune like a dipole with my 
MFJ-259???...then remove one of the FCP´s or keep both.

Thoughts ??

73....Douglas, CO8DM

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