Topband: 4SQ vs. 8 circle rcv

Rudy Bakalov r_bakalov at
Wed Jan 13 07:25:41 EST 2016


You may also want to consider a 3 element array, which gives you 6 directions. Check out the Hi-Z website for data on directivity of various systems- 3, 4, and 8 elements.

Rudy N2WQ

Sent using a tiny keyboard.  Please excuse brevity, typos, or inappropriate autocorrect.

> On Jan 12, 2016, at 8:01 PM, Paul DeWitte <k9ot at> wrote:
> I am not a regular on here so this may have been discussed before.
> How does the 4 SQ rcv array compare to the 8 circle array?
> How many directions can the 4 SQ be aimed?
> I have several beverages. Would the 4 SQ out perform them?
> Thanks in advance,
> 73
> Paul K9OT
> _________________
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