Topband: Strange propagation

Charles Moizeau w2sh at
Sat Jan 16 00:28:41 EST 2016

Stew was a magnificently correct person.

His distinctive white lettered callsign on a background gracing his slightly oversize, but legal to suit USPS size limits, QSL card is wall candy in my shack.

Were I to examine my 1973 logbook, I'm certain it would show "W1BB/1" for our Field Day QSO, at a moment when he was in residence at a favored summer residence in Harrington, Maine.

His card, sent within an outer envelope, bears a gold stamp with black letters reading, "Old Old Timers Club...Pioneers of Amateur Wireless".

With all the blessings, and the curses, delivered to us by technological change in recent decades, along with serious ethical questions and trenchant doubts, a sympathetic recall of Stew's rigorously correct behavior together with his simplistic good humor is a joyous experience bringing solace whenever it is renewed.


Charles, W2SH                                                                                                        

From: john.kaufmann at
> To: topband at
> Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2016 15:59:34 -0500
> Subject: Re: Topband: Strange propagation
> I was lucky enough to visit W1BB in person back in the early 1970's.  I got
> to see his home station and the famous water tower station.  As I recall the
> two stations were a bit further apart than walking distance, unless you
> didn't mind walking a lot.  We drove there from his home.
> I'm almost certain that all of his serious DXing was done from the water
> tower location.  He also had a 160m station at his home, but it was on a
> very small urban lot and as I recall, he had only a low dipole up for 160m
> there.
> Whenever I heard him operating from the water tower site, he would sign
> W1BB/1 to indicate portable operation but I guess that was required back
> then.
> 73, John W1FV
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Topband [mailto:topband-bounces at] On Behalf Of
> mstangelo at
> Sent: Friday, January 15, 2016 3:42 PM
> To: Herbert Schoenbohm; topband at
> Subject: Re: Topband: Strange propagation
> You could look at this in another way. 
> Wasn't W!BB's location a the Water Tower an early form of RHR, except that
> he walked to the remote site instead of operating remotely.
> Does anyone know if Stew made his DXCC solely from the Water tower site?
> Did anyone else ever operate from the Water tower site?
> Mike N2MS
> _________________
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