Topband: VP8STI rumor

Merv Schweigert k9fd at
Mon Jan 25 19:15:59 EST 2016

  NEWS UPDATE @ 21:20Z - Nigel Jolly, Braveheart owner, declared an 
emergency and ordered the VP8STI team to cease all operations and return 
to the ship. A large ice flow that had broken away due to last night’s 
storm starts to block the entrance to the Bay where they were camped. 
There was strong potential for the ice flow to prevent Braveheart 
reaching  them.
The Team is now safely aboard the Braveheart and they are moving away 
from Southern Thule Is. All equipment and personal gear is still on the 
island. They hope to return to camp site during next good weather 
window. Once they retrieve their equipment they could make a 
determination as to whether they can proceed to South Georgia to do 
VP8SGI as planned – VP8STI QRT !

> I have all the plugs pulled out in DM52.
> Good luck to everyone with the prop, and the dog pile if the prop works.
> 73 de Milt, N5IA
> -----Original Message----- From: Tree Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 
> 2:04 PM To: 160 Subject: Topband: VP8STI rumor
> They will be active on 160CW tonight.
> Good luck!!
> Tree N6TR
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