Topband: Fwd: Re: CW160

K1FZ-Bruce k1fz at
Sat Jan 30 13:22:21 EST 2016

Herb has good antennas.  But many others mixing QRP with high angle antennas, have a tougher time. 

On Sat, 30 Jan 2016 11:40:12 -0600, David Raymond  wrote:

      I'm not sure why you would be surprised running QRP that stations that were 
"loud" couldn't hear you. You're at a 13 db disadvantage at a minimum. Ad 
in clix (and there plenty of them) plus QRM the guy is experiencing on the 
other end. . .and, well, there you are. . .you can't be heard. That said, 
it is all still great fun. Condx to JA from here in Iowa this morning were 
quite good 73. . . Dave, W0FLS

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gary Smith" 
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2016 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: CW160

> Interesting conditions here last night. I
> heard a whole lot of DX that simply could
> not hear me. I'm running QRP and don't
> expect to work everything I hear but one
> thing for sure, the overall conditions
> were really nice. It was fun to take a
> break and listen to EU working other EU &
> SA and hear both ends of the QSO on 160. 
> Not sure how good the conditions were for
> everyone though, Herb & I worked but he
> was one of the very few Caribbean stations
> I was able to get a Q with. OTOH, I worked
> several California stations as well as OR
> & WA so the band was selectively open. 
> An interesting experience is to hear
> stations who have one of the loudest
> signals but are unable to hear me. You
> have to figure their Rx must be difficult,
> either that or they are running power
> beyond their ability to hear. I
> encountered that quite a bit and again,
> running QRP, often my signal not going to
> be heard but when someone has such high
> signal levels here and can't hear me at
> all, they might want to cut back on their
> power or, get better a better Rx ability. 
> Maybe their Rx antennas were pointed in
> another direction?
> Absolutely not pointing a finger, I just
> saw that happen so very often. I know if I
> were running more power, I'd make a whole
> lot more Qs. Conversely, if they heard
> better, they would have made a lot more
> Qs. 
> I'd really like to have the chance to work
> a 160 at an excellent location with and
> excellent Tx/Rx set of antennas. Wires in
> not tall trees are the best I can do and I
> have so much fun with them. However, it
> would be nice to experience competition
> with everything stacked in my favor. I'm
> sure we all feel that way. Its been years
> since I was at a super station and I'm
> ready for that experience again; that was
> back in 1986 and so long ago that they had
> just started running CT by K1EA which was
> first released the year before. 
> Another have at it tonight so maybe I'll
> pick up some of those stations I couldn't
> break last night?
> 73 & good luck,
> Gary
> KA1J
>> Good luck to all!
>> 73,
>> Gary
>> KA1J
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