Topband: Working Europe

Mike DeChristopher mfdechristopher at
Fri Jul 1 12:33:45 EDT 2016

Guy said:

>There is the issue of when people are actually listening on 160. *Sounds*
dead because no one is there.

...AND THEN there is the issue of when people *can* actually listen; by
that I mean, they have a decent rx antenna at their disposal.

I've noticed quite a few locals (W1) with increasing interest in 160. The
low-space rx antenna options out there are attracting interest. This is
good. Bring on the minimum.

Mike N1TA


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2016 15:13:00 -0400
From: Guy Olinger K2AV <k2av.guy at>
To: Tim Shoppa <tshoppa at>
Cc: Bruce <k1fz at>, Topband <topband at>
Subject: Re: Topband: Working Europe
        <CANckpc1SaJbHhBWt0w2Sz15==DQxX9BZQx5dacejUKXeLLwJ+g at>
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There is the issue of when people are actually listening on 160. *Sounds*
dead because no one is there.

Then there is the issue of when the band is actually open.

Summer QRN in the northern hemisphere is a bummer, but RBN keeps showing
that the path is open in a summer fashion that we don't have dialed in yet.

Antenna here was necessarily on the ground for tree work during summer Stew
:>(   But did note in the results how many worked CW5W. 4 Stews a year is a
good idea and may pick up activity in the off times as we continue to
disprove ancient myths.

Looking forward to the solar minimum.

73, Guy

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