Topband: Maunder References

Charlie Young weeksmgr at
Sun Jun 5 18:24:21 EDT 2016

Another link referencing the Zharkova model results:
This one mostly steers clear of the climate predictions and focuses on the sunspots or lack thereof. 
A lot of the articles about this study don't so much object to the sunspot prediction but there is a lot of disagreement regarding the climate effects if the low sunspot activity is true, depending on whether the commenters believe the man made global warming will offset the reduced solar output.  I won't touch that one with a 10 foot pole :-) 
If the prediction of low sunspots is true over the next cycles, maybe I can live long enough to meet my Topband goals! 
73 Charlie N8RR 
> From: k2av.guy at
> Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2016 15:59:21 -0400
> To: g4hds at
> Subject: Re: Topband: Maunder References
> CC: topband at
> I would note that some of that material got scalding negatives in
> commentary, bemoaning nonexistent references to data, etc, one commentor
> calling an article a "puff" piece.
> Stuff from CERN is one thing. Some of the other, well, I could write stuff
> using my ear wax and put it out there. We need to remain vigilant that the
> internet really is a wild west jungle of everything from keen insight to
> absolute rubbish. It used to be "caveat emptor" was the great caution. Now
> we have "caveat lector", "Let the reader beware".
> Used to just be worried about someone gonna sucker our pocket book. Now we
> gotta worry about someone gonna sucker our mind. Maybe these days caveat
> lector is the greater concern. Possibly because we spend, support policy
> and vote based on our mind.
> One can find just about anything in the Blogosphere, both sides of any
> issue, to extremes. Want something on sugary drinks are a Commie plot to
> degrade the white race, to the upcoming Maunder Minimum will end life as we
> know it. It or something close is out there. Whatever we want to believe
> about anything is on the internet waiting for us to gobble it up, and allow
> us to feel good about ourselves, no regard to legitimacy or lunacy, or the
> outcome of such beliefs.
> Commentary after postings often becomes a p*ssing match where everything is
> only opinions, with no tethering in honest research, some quickly degrading
> to exchanges of personal insults, none pertaining to the original question,
> with all the gravitas of a manure fight.
> While I surely want to see references where they are to be had, the old
> fashioned kind with academic grade peer review and supporting data is the
> sweet stuff that I like to see, where the argument about interpretation of
> data pertains. Ain't always available, for cause, but that's the good
> stuff.
> The internet is the new "Tower of Babel". With English and several others
> as fairly universal languages, the separation of language no longer has the
> biblical effect. The biblical obfuscation is now achieved with the internet
> where lunacy carries the same apparent rank as legitimacy.
> In the end it is left to us to enjoin ourselves that we respond to neither
> linguistic Babel nor internet babble.
> 73, and I'm looking forward to great low band conditions. I will be
> thankful to see one more solar minimum for 160m entertainment.
> Guy, K2AV
> On Sun, Jun 5, 2016 at 2:37 PM, g4hds <g4hds at> wrote:
> > Here's a couple of references I found stored on my tablet
> >
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> > 73 Paul
> >
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> >
> > I Need a Bigger Amp !
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