Topband: Dxing on the Edge...the Thrill of 160m! - SECOND EDITION is now available!

k1zm at k1zm at
Tue Nov 29 16:29:21 EST 2016

Hi Gang

I am pleased to be able to announce that the 2ND EDITION of Dxing on the Edge...the Thrill of 160M! is now available for purchase.

While we had a great run with ARRL starting in 1998 (for which I am most grateful), this second edition has been self-published using

Earlier this year some UK friends of mine asked me to put out an updated edition of the book and this summer I had the time to work with Tim Duffy of DXE and Jay Terleski of Array Solutions to do just that.

The new book contains the original manuscript from 1998 but also includes new and updated material regarding current XMIT antenna solutions for Dx'ing and contesting on Topband.  Additionally,, there is a chapter specifically dedicated to Rx antennas for those with smaller lots - as Rx on Topband is the thorniest problem to resolve if one is space limited as we all are well aware.

Also included are current operating suggestions for snagging the rarest of the rare ones on 160m - which means using capabilities and techniques that did not exist in 1998.

Gone unfortunately is the CD of "Memorable Moments on 160M" as technical limitations prevented inclusion of this in the revised addition.

A couple of things I wish to make very clear:

1) I am not necessarily trying here to sell you another book....if you bought and enjoyed the first edition of my book, it is totally your call if you wish to purchase the second addition.  Current successful 160M Dx'ers may already be well aware of the modern antenna choices for XMIT and RX that I talk about - so I am really aiming this book at amateurs who have always wanted to try 160M but have demeurred due to smallish properties or to those who would like to learn how to operate on 160M for the first time and need to know how to become successful on Topband.

2) I owe a huge debt of gratitude to K3LR and WX0B for providing information on their fine 160M products - including elevation plots and technical data on their products.  I would never have been able to release this second edition without their input and cooperation - so thanks to them both!  I should note also that I did not ask for nor receive any remuneration whatsoever for highlighting their fine products in the revised version.  I simply consider both guys friends,  who are reputable suppliers,  who market great products and they service them well.  It is that simple.....I buy and use their stuff myself - so I am 100% comfortable recommending what they sell to buyers of my book.

3) The price of the 2nd edition is $20.18  USD.

4) You may purchase it here:

a) From DX Engineering - (it will soon be added to the DXE website in the books section)

b) From Array Solutions - (it will soon be added to the Array Solutions website in the books section) 

c) Directly from the publisher Bookbaby - Here is the Internet Link:

The ISBN number is:   9781483586458

Thanks for taking the time to read this message.  I do hope anyone who orders the new book finds it a useful addition to their 160M operating enjoyment going forward.  


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