Topband: Soldering radials?
k1fz at
Wed Oct 12 13:58:16 EDT 2016
WLBZ AM radio 620 KHZ. in Bangor, Maine in the early 1960's had a reduction in the ground wave signal
most noticeable over 40 miles. We found the radial connections installed in the 1920's were in tough shape.
Ran new radials and inter-connected with silver solder. After the work was completed
could copy the station ~130 miles distant in Portland Maine on a car radio.
PS remember how long those old car radio antennas were? hi
On Wed, 12 Oct 2016 07:16:09 -1000, Merv Schweigert wrote:
I had soldering problems here in the salt air until I switched to
no lead plumbers solder and pure resin flux. have not had a problem
since, I have radials and connections over 7 years old that
are in great shape, exposed to the elements.
73 Merv K9FD/KH6
> I'd like to get the latest thinking from the group
> on soldering radials. What I currently thinking
> is as follows:
> 1. Tin lead doesn't hold up in the weather.
> 2. "Stay Brite" 3% silver solder (97% tin,
> no lead) is known to work well, but is expensive,
> and has a considerably higher melting point
> than 63/37.
> 3. Lead free plumber's solder obviously works
> in water pipes, but does it hold up outdoors
> in the rain? What is the melting point?
> 1. Pure rosin. Hardest to work with, but minimum
> corrosion issues.
> 2. Activated rosin. Easier to work with. What
> corrosion issues are there?
> 3. Acid core plumber's flux. Very easy to work
> with, very corrosive. Does this hold up in the
> rain, etc?
> (I remember the dire warnings that Heathkit manuals
> had about not using acid core solder, but I
> guess that doesn't apply to radials.)
> Has anyone tried crimping as an alternative to solder?
> Rick
> N6RK
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